At Adult and Geriatric Counseling and Consulting, Mark Amoroso, LCSW treats a wide variety of adult patients who need require immediate action for the problems they are facing. With a unique style of goal oriented and action based short term therapy, Mr. Amoroso helps patients to find lasting results by finding effective long-term strategies to achieve short term goals, similar in style to a mentor or life coach. This type of psychotherapy enables the patient to feel stronger, happier, and worthy of their best possible quality of life.



The transition into and finding your way through adulthood is a challenge all must face. From early adulthood stages to midlife and beyond, Mr. Amoroso can help you navigate the bumpy waters of change, anxiety, and uncertainty they can bring. His goal is to help mold a path towards a quality of life and future his patients can look forward to and meet head on with confidence.


Later in life, more and more older adults face difficulties adjusting to the stress associated with both mental and physical effects of aging. From retirement to various medical conditions to facing mortality, feelings of depression and isolation can affect those with even the most social and active of lifestyles.


Dedicating your time, life and love to another in any intimate relationship requires trust and understanding on both sides. Mr. Amoroso is skilled in aiding those who have found their relationship lacking, on the rocks or in need of a push forward to remind them of and to regain the excitement and respect they once had.


Whether it be difficulty finding or keeping employment, or feeling unappreciated at work, Mr. Amoroso is able to help his patients make and achieve their employment goals.

FACT: A 2016 survey be the American Psychological Association (APA) reported that less than half of the 1501 workers surveyed felt their organization supported employee well-being. One in three reported being chronically stressed and less than half felt they received the recognition they deserved. The average person spends at least 1/3 of their life working. Stress associated with work could have a major impact on your life as well as the lives of others.


Treatment and recovery for substance abuse requires many facets. Recognizing and addressing underlying causes of substance abuse, finding self-worth and personal acceptance, healing interpersonal relationship and the relationship between your mind, body and soul is a specialty of Mr. Amoroso’s.

Make an appointment with Mark to find your path to self-confidence, empowerment and mental well-being.